Thursday, January 22, 2009

Some relationships are special

Our lives revolve around relationships
I guess that’s the way it is intended to be
There are those that are bestowed on us
While the others we choose to be closer to

Though many people come into our lives
Only a selected few make a lasting impact
We develop a special bond towards them
And strive to make it a long time contract

It is in the very nature of a relationship
To hurt the one you like with out knowledge
Though the person is the one you worship
It takes a big deal to surrender and acknowledge

Those few make us feel some thing special
Giving the relationship a different angle
Compelling us to take it to another level
Ignoring everything making the heart dangle

Certain relationships never work out however
To part with our dear one seems only natural
No matter what the bond sticks with us forever
Some relationships are definitely special!

PS: Originally posted at Sulekha


  1. you are so right about the relationship. some times even the relationships that you have already bonded might not last long. especially between two women.

  2. Hi Anonymous,


    When I was writing this, I had couple of relationships in mind where it was more of a one sided love. They eventually broke up as it not mutual but they definitely had an excellent friendship.

    They met after several years and still had that special bond between them. So my conclusion is that when you like some one a lot that special something that you liked in them will not go away.

    It will remain forever and some how I believe that you are bound to get in touch with them down the lane and make up and continue with the beautiful relationship/friendship you had before.

    Do I know you? I could relate better if I knew the exact relationship that you are talking about.

